Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bio solids as Agriculture Fertilizer?


          Recently I've been hearing alot about the use of biosolids as agriculture fertilizer. Sounds gross right? Yeah I thought so too, so I decided to look a little further into it and I actually don't think its such a bad idea after all. First of all let's get a clear definition of bio solids. According to the Canadian Water and Wste Water Association bio solids are nutrient-rich organic materials resulting from the treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment facility. When treated and processed, these residuals can be recycled and applied as fertilizer to improve and maintain productive soils and stimulate plant growth. Personally I think that using biosolids as fertilizer is quite efficient, as alternatively they would just be taking up space in a landfill or disposal facility.     After treatment and processing, bio solids can be recylcyed and applied as fertilizer to improve and maintain productive soils and stimulate plant growth. This controlled land application of bio solids completes a natural cycle in the environment. Using bio solids also greatly reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. More waste water plants are becoming capable of producing high quality biosolids, and this is creating an even greater opportunity to use this valuable resource.     Using bio solids as fertilizer has lots of pros, for example it creates jobs, it is a cost effective method of disposal, it recycles versus filling landfills, promotes farming,  reduces emissions from transportation to landfills, it is an effective and free fertilizer, it improves soil fertility, enhances soil structure moisture retention and soil permeability, and adds organic material that helps to maintain good soil. So far I've only mentioned the positives of biosolids as agriculture fertilizer, but believe it or not, there are some cons. They include being a potential health hazard, irreversible effects, contamination reslulting from accumulation of industrial waste, possible hazardous chemicals that could transfer to crops, it decreases property value and odor.

     As you can see the list of pros far outweighs the cons, and alot of the cons seem to be a bit superficial and more like worries like the odor, and that we don't really know what is in the fertilizer that we're using. This is why I believe that we are doing the right thing by using bio solids as agriculture fertilizer. Especially considering everything that is happening to our earth right now with global warming etc.. we need to do everything we can to keep it healthy, and using bio solids seems like a natural way to fertilize crops, while using less chemicals hat could harm our earth.



Thursday, June 2, 2011

Technology in Medicine

               One of the major aspects of health care, much like many other things in our society today is technology. Technology has come along way in the past 50 years, and it continues to progress a little bit more every day. Technology plays a large role in the health care industry, for example it allows us to see inside the body without having to open it up. This has helped us become more able to accurately diagnose internal issues because we can see them up close, without any drastic surgeries. A few of the more common modern day medical technologies include magnetic resonance imagery (MRI), x-ray machines, ultrasounds, and cat scans. Technology is continuing to improve our health care system, and these technologies are making it easier for health care specialists to understand the internal body systems.

•    Magnetic resonance imagery is
a medical imaging technique used in radiology to visualize detailed internal structures. The first image created from an MRI was published in 1973, so this is a relatively new technology. MRI’s use nuclear magnetic resonance of protons produce proto density images.
•    X-ray technology has allowed us to see inside the human body since 1895. This technology allows doctors to see through a patients skin, in order to identify broken bones and cavities etc…
•    Ultrasound imaging uses high frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the internal body systems. Unike x-rays, ultrasound images are captured in real-time so you get to see the movement of the internal organs.
•     CT scanning (CAT scaning) is a noninvasive medical test that helps doctors with the diagnosis and treatment of common medical conditions, by producing many images of the inside of the body. CT scans provide a much clearer picture than regular x-ray exams, so they are usually used for more complex parts of the body, such as the brain, soft tissues, internal organs, and even blood vessels.

Technology has a huge effect on our health care system, Without all these technologies, it would take a lot longer to diagnose many common health issues, from something as small as a broken leg to diseases as severe as cancer. Treatments and diagnosis would be based solely on external appearance, so it would be a lot harder to identify the problem.  Thses modern technologies allow doctors to see the internal body systems, and identify any problems or things that don’t belong.

There have been many Canadian contributions to the health care system including the discovery of insulin. Insulin was discovered by two Canadian medical scientists in 1923. This scientific discovery helped a lot of diabetic individuals and people experiencing pancreas failure. The original insulin was then modified in a lab at U of T and is now saving lives all over the world.

    I think that everyone can agree that technology plays a major role in improving the health care system.  Billions of lives have been saved because of our new advanced medical procedures, and without them we would not be able to diagnose a lot of diseases in time for patients to get proper treatment, Overall, the continuously progression technology in our health care system has greatly improved the understand of the human, digestive, respiratory, and circulatory system, and continues to help us save lives.



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Agriculture in Society

            When you are walking through the aisles of fresh food at your local grocery store, do you ever stop to think about where it comes from? How this endless supply of food keeps up with our continuously growing population? It's a mystery right? Well this is because the modern food industry is trying to hide the fact that they're destroying our earth by using industrial agriculture to produce massive amounts of the food that we enjoy everyday. Obviously industrial agriculture does have it's benefits, but is it really worth all the harm we are causing to not only our earth, but also our health, and the biodiversity o our society.
Industrial agriculture is a modern form of farming in which machinery is a substitution for the labor of people and animals. Industrial agriculture aims to increase the amount of food it produces, while decreasing the costs of production. Industrial agriculture tends to work against nature. In industrial agriculture humans are superior to nature instead of being apart of it, but in reality we need nature to survive so we should be more careful not to harm it. Industrial agriculture is also bad for our health in more ways than one. For example the pesticides they use in the food, have been suspected to cause cancer, also the meat is often made in a slaughterhouse, where the food can easily be contaminated. In fact, industrial agriculture is responsible for getting about 76 million people sick, and killing about 5000 each year. Industrial farmers put their needs before those of their consumers, they care more about getting paid than they care about the quality of their food, and how they are affecting their society (i.e.: the environment, and the health of their consumers).
Some of the benefits of industrial agriculture are that it is a good contribution to our economy, it produces inexpensive food with good variety and greater availability, and it allows longer shelf life of food. Industrial agriculture can be beneficial to our society but it also does a great deal of harm to our environment with increased ozone pollution and global warming, it increases health risks, and there are a lot of unnecessary environmental and social costs due to industrial agriculture. A healthy alternative to industrial agriculture would be sustainable agriculture, which combines three main goals, environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equality. Sustainable agriculture farms food, that is healthy for both the consumer and the animals, it is eco friendly, humane and it supports it’s rural community.
While industrial agriculture also has its cons, I think that the benefits far out weigh the negatives. Sustainable agriculture works in harmony with nature and it's primary focus' are based on permanence, quality and beauty of the product, while Industrial agriculture focuses on the speed, quantity, and profit of making the product. In fact, industrial agriculture is currently the greatest single threat to our earth’s biodiversity. Overall I think that our society would seriously benefit from the use of sustainable agriculture over industrial agriculture. If we completely switched over to sustainable agriculture, our environment, our health, and our rural communities would really benefit.  Think about it, do you really want to be eating foods that are injected with pesticides, or do you want the healthy alternative?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Are we taking it too far?

          What would you say if someone told you, that you could design your very own baby. If they told you that you could choose everything from its hair to its eye color. It sounds crazy right? Well believe it or not designer babies are now a reality, but it has yet to be determined whether they are good or bad.

What are designer babies?
          The term designer baby refers to a baby whose genetic make-up has been selected through Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis in order to eradicate a particular defect, or to ensure that a particular gene is present. PGD, is a huge breakthrough in the scientific world, and I respect the use of science in saving lives, but personally I think this might be taking it a bit to far.

          With this new technology, its possible to handpick the genes of your future baby in order to reduce they're chance of genetic illnesses( down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, etc..). As ideal as this sounds, I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and since this is a new technology we still don't know its long term effects. For all we know, this could cause even greater damage throughout the babies life. We are just people, some might say that using PGD is like playing God, and it is not our responsibility to design our babies.
          Another reason why I don't necessarily agree with the idea of designer babies is there cost. It costs a minimum of around $18 000, to design a baby, and because of this high cost, if PGD progresses, then it will cause an even greater barrier in society between the rich and the poor. Not only will the rich have nice clothes and nice cars, they will also have perfect genes, and not only that but PGD will eliminate the diversity in our world. If everyone can guarantee that they're kids have the "perfect" genes, than sooner or later everyone will look the same.
          This new technology enables you to screen for diseases, such as down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, and many more. As much as you want your kids to be happy and healthy, ask any parent of a child with down syndrome , and im sure they would not have aborted their child if they had known that they were going to be sick. Personally I think that every life is worth living, whether you have a physical or mental disability or you are 100% healthy.
          In conclusion, I respect that PGD is a big breakthrough in the world of science, but personally I think that people are taking it too far. It should not be in our hands to design our own babies. Marilyn Monroe once said that, "Imperfection is beauty". If everyone was "perfect " than nobody would really be beautiful because we would all be the same. The only time I would agree with designing your baby's genes would be if both parents had a genetic disease that they wanted t prevent. But even then, I still believe that everything happens for a reason, so I don't agree with changing what's meant to be. It's is a great discovery but there are still more important things that need to be uncovered.

 Pros and Cons of designer Babies
Designer Babies: Ethical Considerations 
What is a designer baby? 
Designer Babies: A right to choose? 

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Save our Tigers!

     The last time I heard about a tiger on the news, it was the latest scandal with Tiger Woods. Fortunately he doesn't need our help, but the tigers in Asia do. According to World Wildlife Fund, tigers are amongst the 10 most endangered species in the world, in fact they're third on the list! Today there are as little as 3,200 tigers left living in the wild. That's nothing compared to the 100, 000 that there was in the early 1900's.In the last century 3 of the 8 different species have gone extinct. We have to do everything we can to protect the tigers we have left.

What's Killing our Tigers?
     Some of the main reasons that tigers are going extinct include, poaching, hunting, and habitat destruction. It has been illegal to hunt tigers since the late 1970's but that hasn't stopped people from killing them for their own financial benefit. People continue to hunt tigers and sell not only their fur, but almost all of their body parts, and they're making a lot of money too. Another large part in the decline of tigers, has to do with the destruction of their habitats. The forests all over Asia that  are being cleared, and the growing population are destroying the habitats of our tigers.

What are we doing to help?
     There are countless organizations dedicated to protecting endangered species, but the one I'm going to focus on is the Tiger Foundation. They're an organization dedicated to, you guessed it, saving tigers.Their mission is to- help prevent the extinction of wild tigers through cost effective, pragmatic and hands-on field programs. The main project that is being run by the Tiger Foundation is the Adopt a Tiger program, which gives you the opportunity to sponsor a tiger while knowing that 100% of your money is going towards protecting that tiger. Their are are also many smaller programs like the Caspian Tiger Investigation, and the Madhaya Pradesh Tiger project which are working to raise awareness of poaching and protect some of the last great tiger forests. 

   It's hard to imagine a world where tiger's don't exist, they're an animal I've known all my life, it's weird to think that soon they will all be gone. It's time for everyone to step up and do what they can to help protect the few tigers we have left. If you're interested in helping, you can donate money to organizations fighting to save tigers, boycott items that are made of tiger parts, buy forest friendly items and most importantly raise awareness. I didn't know how few tigers were left in the world, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, so now that  you know do your part in protecting the tigers and let others know.

Tigers may be powerful and intimidating animals, but they are not strong enough to win this fight alone, they need our help. If we don't do anything, tigers will become extinct within the next 10 years. So do your part, and help save the tigers.


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